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Julie's Garage Gym > 2018 > November

This easy no-bake, low-fat gingerbread cookies recipe is a perfect treat for staying healthy during the holidays. Only plant-based whole ingredients and NO refined sugars. Winning!   RAW GINGERBREAD COOKIES + BALLS (Courtesy of Amanda Le)    PREP TIME: 10 mins  |  TOTAL TIME: 10 mins  |  Yields: 18 cookies   INGREDIENTS 1 ¼ cup pitted […]
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Maui Rules by Kimo ???????????? Never judge a day by the weather. The best things in life aren’t things. Tell the truth – there’s less to remember. Speak softly and wear a loud shirt. Goals are deceptive – the unaimed arrow never misses. He who dies with the most toys – still dies. Age is […]
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I hope everyone enjoyed the holiday weekend! I spent mine in beautiful Maui???????? celebrating my 41st Birthday! ????????   Although I enjoyed some much needed rest and relaxation, after a few days of lounging by the pool my body CRAVED movement.   Here’s a simple bodyweight routine to get you moving! These exercises also provide for […]
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Upper body mobility and control are fundamental to many movements throughout our everyday lives. Our ability to carry, push, pull, reach overhead, and even walk is influenced by the upper body reciprocal pattern and upper limb mobility and control. We screen the Reciprocal Upper Body pattern with the Shoulder Mobility Screen, looking at coordination of […]
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“Set goals, not time limits.”   As long as you’re working toward the things you hope to accomplish, it shouldn’t matter if it takes you a month or a decade to get there.    
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The Shoulder Mobility Stretch is a excellent way to open up the chest and shoulders. This subtle but amazing stretch is not only great for movement prep prior to a workout, but is also beneficial for everyone, especially considering the hunched positions we frequently find ourselves in (think hunched over at a computer desk or […]
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Who loves turkey leftovers? We do!   Whether you have leftover turkey from your Thanksgiving feast or an extra rotisserie chicken laying around, this light corn chowder is a hearty meal without all of the extra calories.    (Courtesy of Cookin Canuck) Light Turkey & Corn Chowder Recipe   Prep Time: 20 mins | Cook Time: […]
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Do you have a Stability Ball lying around your house collecting dust? Maybe you bought one a while ago with good intentions to use but simply forgot about it. Or maybe you never learned how to get the most out of it. Well, here’s a total body workout using nothing more than that pumped up […]
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What is an Inline Lunge? Why do we assess this movement pattern? How does this relate to the quality of our functional daily movements?   The Inline Lunge Screen places the lower extremities in an inline split-stance position while the upper extremities are in a complimentary reciprocal pattern. This replicates the natural counterbalance the upper […]
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