The TRX Suspension Trainer

The TRX Suspension Trainer can be used to improve mobility and flexibility; it allows you to unload your bodyweight while doing specific movements. By unloading some bodyweight, it is possible to safely move through a greater range of motion. Adding resistance and leverage to a particular stretch, it can help safely pull the body to a range of motion that might not otherwise be achievable. It offers the ability to work with and against the straps while moving into various stretches, reinforcing proper body mechanics and posture.


These lightweight portable tools are used across the globe by professional athletes, personal trainers, in gyms, physical therapy, and even senior fitness settings. The versatility of suspension exercises allows the user to build true functional strength, improve balance, flexibility and core stability all at once. The exercises can be easily modified to accommodate any fitness level, and the straps are adjustable to fit different body sizes, limb lengths, and intensity modifications.


Another great feature of the TRX Suspension Trainer is that it can be used wherever it can be anchored. That means you can take your workout outdoors for the added benefit of a little Vitamin D.

They key to any successful fitness program is variety, convenience and fun. We believe the TRX is an excellent portable fitness tool that will allow you to “make your body your machine”.