Pursue The Things You Love

Many of you may not know this, but I was an accountant for over 10 years. And although I enjoyed working with numbers and problem-solving, I was miserable sitting behind a computer screen.. in an office.. all alone.. for 40-50 hours a week.


In 2013, I’d decided that although the paychecks were nice to have, a life without passion was not worth living at all. It was then that I took a leap of faith; I left my accounting career in pursuit of building a business that I was passionate about.


Today, not only do I celebrate five years in the fitness industry, I also celebrate a successful first year running my own personal training business.  I am completely in love with what I do, and I’m eternally grateful for all of my clients, friends and family, and all my fitness cohorts who helped me along the way.

During the first few years of my career change, my ego suffered and I struggled financially. I was so close to giving up and going back to accounting. It is because of these words of Maya Angelou, African-American author and poet, I remained focused on the LOVE I have for helping people and found that the relationships I’ve made are priceless.