FMS Hurdle Step Movement Pattern

What is a Hurdle Step? Why do we assess this movement pattern? How does this relate to our functional daily movements?

The double to single leg movement pattern is fundamental to our ability to walk. The hurdle step displays control of our center of mass as our base of support change from a double to single leg stance. Rolling, crawling and other developmental milestones set the stage for this pattern.

In daily living, the ability to use this double to single leg movement to simply walk up a flight of stairs, step over toys left on the ground, or hike up our favorite mountain trail affects our life choices. Later in life it’s critical that aging adults maintain this movement ability for independence and quality of life.

Continuing our Functional Movement Screen (FMS) series, today we’ll cover the Hurdle Step. This marks the second of seven movement screens used as part of a scoring system to determine a body’s readiness to engage in higher level physical activities in the weight room and on the field. The FMS screen is NOT a training tool or exercise guide. It is comprised of movement patterns that require mobility and stability. These movements were specifically designed to place clients in positions where weaknesses, imbalances, asymmetries and limitations become noticeable by a trained fitness professional.

In this video Julie demonstrates the Hurdle Step Screen. Based on our observations, we score the individual on a scale of 0-3. A score of 3 requires that the hips, knees, and ankles remain aligned vertically in the sagittal plane. We should see minimal to no movement in the lumbar spine, and the dowel and hurdle remain parallel. Each side is scored individually based on the leg that is stepping over the hurdle.

If you are interested in learning more about your body’s mobility and stability, schedule a Functional Movement Screen with one of our trained, certified professionals.